["RICH DEEP WITH COOL UNDERTONES","LIGHT MEDIUM WITH OLIVE UNDERTONES","Medium with Olive undertones","Medium Deep with Olive Undertones","Very fair with Warm\/Peach undertones","Very Fair with Neutral\/Golden undertones","Fair with Warm\/Peach Undertones","Light with Warm\/Golden undertones","Light medium with Neutral\/Pink undertones","Fair with balanced Neutral undertones","Light with balanced Neutral undertones","Light with Cool undertones","Light Medium with Olive undetones","Light medium with Cool undertones","Light medium with balanced Neutral undertones","Light medium with Warm\/Golden Undertones","Light medium with Neutral\/Pink undertones","Light Medium with Warm\/Golden undertones","Light medium with balanced Neutral undertones","Medium with Neutral \/ Golden undertones","Medium with Warm\/Golden undertones","Medium with Warm\/Golden Undertones","Medium with Olive Undertones","Medium with Olive Undertones","Light with Cool undertones","Medium with Warm Undertones","Medium Deep with Cool Undertones","medium with balanced Neutral undertones","Medium Deep with Neutral\/Golden Undertones","Medium with Warm\/Golden Undertones","Deep with Warm\/Golden Undertones","Medium Deep with Olive Undertones","Deep with Olive Undertones","Medium deep with Warm\/Golden undertones","Deep with Warm\/Golden Undertones","Medium deep with Neutral\/Peach undertones","Medium Deep with balanced Neutral undertones","Medium deep with Cool undertones","Medium Deep with Neutral undertones","Medium Deep with Neutral\/Golden undertones","Medium Deep with balanced Neutral undertones","Rich Deep with Neutral \/Golden Undertones","Deep with Warm\/Golden undertones","Deep with Neutral\/Golden undertones","Rich Deep with Warm Undertones","Deep with a Neutral Undertone","Rich Deep with Cool Undertones","Rich Deep with Neutral Undertones","Rich Deep with Neutral Undertones","Rich Deep with Cool Undertones","Very fair with Warm\/Peach undertones","Fair with balanced Neutral undertones","Light with Warm Golden undertones","Light with Olive Undetones","Light medium with Cool undertones","Light medium with Warm\/Golden undertones","Medium with Warm\/Golden Undertones","Medium with Balanced Neutral Undertones","Plum Berry","Berry","Rich Deep Brown","Rich Rose","Sepia","BLONDE","Mauve Brown","Deep Berry","MUTED BRICK RED","Warm Rose","Rose Brown","Ruby Red","DARK BROWN","Deep Red","Translucent Pink","Rosey Brown","Vibrant Rose","FOCUS BLACK","Muted Mauve","Rich Brown","Cayenne","Bright Pink","Hot Coral","Muted Cayenne","Magenta","Nude Pink","Neutral Pink","Candy Apple Red","Mauve","TAUPE","Muted Rose","Plum Rose","Rosey Nude"]
["540 - ENERGY","000 - FAIR TO LIGHT","315 - CURIOSITY","315 - FULFILL","15 - EXPLORE","30 - INSIST","60 - DECISIVE","105 - BEING","195 - REALIZE","45 - STRIVE","75 - BALANCE","90 - REACH","135 - MORE","150 - FLEX","165 - DRIVE","180 - DETERMINE","195 - STEP","210 - COMMIT","225 - BECOME","240 - VELOCITY","255 - OPEN","255 - ACT","270 - FURTHER","270 - HAPPEN","120 - REALIZE","285 - POSSIBLE","285 - DEVELOP","300 - AWARE","300 - SHIFT","330 - PINNACLE","330 - AIM","345 - FLOW","345 - ACCEPT","360 - NEXT","360 - UNDERSTAND","375 - STRENGTH","390 - ACHIEVE","405 - CENTER","420 - RELEASE","435 - EMPOWER","450 - ABOVE","450 - ENVISION","465 - MOVE","480 - BUILD","480 - EXCEED","495 - DISCOVER","510 - MOMENTUM","510 - RISE","525 - SHINE","540 - ENERGY","15 - MAKE","45 - EXTEND","105 - PROGRESS","135 - UNLIMITED","150 - PLAN","180 - READY","210 - STRETCH","225 - BELIEVE","ADVANCE","AMPED","ANNOUNCE","ARRIVE","ASK","BLONDE","BRAVE","CHALLENGE","CHARGE","CHEER","CROSS","DARE","DARK BROWN","DEBATE","ENGAGE","EXPLAIN","EXPRESS","FOCUS BLACK","GO","GREET","IGNITE","PULL","PUSH","RECITE","SHOUT","SING","SOAR","SPARK","SPEAK","TAUPE","TEACH","TELL","WHISPER"]